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Can with he the old headman lived a good life together.
"The action is quick, keep up with, don't talk, hand to have the person of wound, walk quickly."
The segment truly follows drive let out the crowd of cage while robbing the person of jail and leading, follow jail, the along the road can also see some false soldiers be paid Xie hands and embrace a head and squat down ground up, have many take a gun and hang the prisoner whom the bullet takes is keeping watch on them, these prisoners who take a gun namely have already come from eight road soldiers and also have** of, is all persons who once took a gun, it is pretty much a tacit understanding to go together with and put together and pour, see appearance rob a jail activity this time pretty much smooth, render assistance a ground of person and divide the work all very explicit.
"Small brothers!~The Hey comes and leaves with us, come!~"The prisoner hurtles he flicks, seeing the appearance is to want to call him to walk together with them, however visiting those other prisoners in the jail doorway is like easts are one brigade, west 1 brigade of dispersed run, seem to be not is transfer together but is cent criticize different direction of transfer.
Segment truly sparse inside careless of should 1, kept up with toward the person whom he says "hello", he still thought is old man segment expensive mountain arrangement to render assistance his person, result but is unexpectedly he follows this several individuals are to rob a jail true just going to save.
Take the sky is black, segment truly not the Bian thing ground follow these people to follow city inside an alley Be blind to turn, often stop next bend down to avoid to patrol of devil and false soldier, O.K. only more than ten individuals, troops not big, but listen to sudden gun voice in the other place in the city ring out, may be other several persons whom the roads escape to disturb devil, however can rush out to also control breath on the whole, live or not come down also want to be each by a sky, life, after all rob the person of jail also not is in big brigade person's horse, can protect 1 is a , total ratio in the prison etc. dead just good.
Treat seven turn eight a yard for declining of turn, turn intos, have already there been several personal etc.s over there, see the clothes that the oneself person come over, hurriedly take out a few clothes of false soldiers and devil make them make change, segment truly the statures is short, also divided the uniform of a devil soldier.

Section 83
Suddenly the favour makes change clothes, segment's truly pouring is to pretty admire these people, really don't know they where make of the uniform, again took to up pay from the jail of gun, carry on the back the last bullet to take and hand grenade, the sky isn't yet bright, basically cans hardly see at just previous they are still a group of prisoners and rob a jail, line up the last brigade to pour to also really have two cents, the shape of devil soldier and false soldier squad.
"Leave!~"Lead the way of once the hand flick, he wears is last the clothes of devil military officer.
One brigade false false soldier leave the devil openly walk on the avenue of too original city,Beats By Dre Justbeats, with go to grasp to catch five wrong bodies of Japanese devil soldier and false troops who escape from prison the escaped convict but lead, go straight to city gate.
"What person?!"The false troops who stay by the side city gate grew to suddenly deliver a group of personses' horse to urgently and in a hurry hurtle to come over and immediately appeared publicly to shout a way, hand electricity indiscriminately sway to shine on in the past, nearby other false soldiers signed a horse strain of raised a gun, a burst of pressingly pulled the voice that the gun bolted, had severals still sent out to strengthen a courage of threatenned a voice, the Jing whistle inside the city has been already led they were extremely nervous.
"Eight Gas!~"A devil military officer is blunt before coming up, call a simply ear jilt at take flashlight to shine on indiscriminately of person face up.
That false troops were immediately long and then wased beaten to receive, listenned to this orotund is the voice of emperor's soldier, the flashlight hurriedly lets go of.
"What are you a stem?Open city gate quickly, emperor's soldier wants a city to intercept to escape of eight roads, open the door quickly."The devil military officer after death comes up a false soldier and annoy horizontal crossly say, is after death also that the false soldier that equally a few flashlights hurtle to defend city is a burst of to sway indiscriminately at the same time, the light of the sting eye shines on they the in the moment a burst of flower is disorderly, the root can not see the face of pure bearer.
"But?!~This, this, have to have then pass can open the door."Although be received by 1 box on the ear dozen, this false troops grow to still remember his/her own job place.
"Yours, dead die ground."The devil military officer of that violent-tempered is incensed and sign a horse to gesticulate and pull out saber, chopping down that false troops is long.
The face that the false troops grow immediately frightens snow-whitely, after death several false soldiers that watch city gate frighten also is to keep cringing, although is serving as soldier for Japanese,beats by dre australia.But the false soldier connects in Japanese's in front dog all not equal to, said to kill and then killed, basically have no Shen Yuan.
A few false soldiers that follow devil military officer hurriedly pack to block the devil military officer of pulling out the half saber, be like get a first one false soldier, touch a blank sheet of paper that writes "pass", "take to go, you ground the dog see a little bit clear!~"
Defend city the false troops of door long hurriedly once connected a to see, there is embossing seal.There is also chapter, Be different from a leave of, hurriedly pass a time, turn round to toward under charge to say:"Open the door, let go,dr dre cheap!~"
"Hum!~"The devil military officer was malicious to stare one eye the false troops are long, the despise of one face, hand a flick" opens a new road!~"A group of persons the breeze breeze fire fire the ground once wore city gate and accompanied with a far going of the step voice and submerged the one out of the city darkly in.
"My mama!~"The false troops grow a felling be like strolled 1 turn from the jaws of death, frighten the sweat of the whole body.Follow with eyes these evil spirits bad very and far go.Was long to vomit an one breath, a turn round to hope to see under charge is also similarly air, sign a horse to start to tremble power and prestige."See what!~All give Lao Tze the spirit to order, a shady characters all prohibit to pass, you, the station keeps, don't his mama's being like don't have satisfied rice ……"
Segment's truly pouring is the strategy that pretty admires this false devil military officer of, one box on the ear lets false soldiers of guarding the door doesn't dare to cautiously check them and plus the color of the sky darkly, have no flashlight to shine on, is also the looks that sees not pure other party.
Deep one feet shallow feet touch the person of the front a step voice and walk approximately quick it is dawn.Segment the place that truly follows these people to arrive at an unmanned vestige just stopped down.
Is original one speech not hair be devoted to walk faster of these leave devil false false soldiers immediately noisy get up, put a voice to speak of words, take off the clothes of this body camouflage, change into common lichen to take.
"I say that is old Gao, not the Kui is to be teacher's ground, return be really ability person, those Japanese speak return heel true of, even I almost think is really a devil military officer."A personal beginning begins to take off false soldier uniform to say.
"Ha ha ha.Have been listenning to the devils whisper these words, I is often blind to learn, have never thought to really send to up use."Leave devil military officer a flung off the devil military cap on the head, saber with throw on the ground.
"Yi!~You which come of pass."The segment truly still puts on words, he is very curious, pass this kind of thing but issue not much, these people incredibly the immensely resourceful arrive even this kind of things can make, really is let he too oddness.
He of words, immediately lead to a putting of quite a few individual a cachinnation.
An individual out of breathly says:"That where is what true pass, is false."
Is false?!"Not is there are embossing seal and an official seal?"The segment was truly also oddness, that chapter evening Zha a have a liking for don't calculate leave ground.
"That where is an embossing seal, is hit with the flashlight bottom, the chapter is to seek a piece of dehydrated bean curd to draw appearance and sought a bowl dyestuff to print up!~"Teacher Gao who dresses up as devil military officer chases
The segment truly stares big eyes hope to begin inside pass, these people's courage can really big, false must not ability again the false pass incredibly can also get by under false pretenses and beat false troops to grow this box on the ear, he doesn't dare to scrutinize pass this recruits to pour is pretty think come out.
"Young man, what are you a stem?Collapse to be like devil to pretty value to you!"Have a building inside in an another prison ground the person say, the segment truly just entered building that moment in the prison, to lambasting of devil and hate bitterly of facial expression, let his image specially deep, is also they severals would liked to take a segment truly main reason.
"I am the warrior of eight road soldiers, was carelessly fainted by the hand grenade dozen while fighting, the result was grasped by them to come over."The segment truly and gingerly says, he fears other people to see what not to, Be saying and observing the facial expression of others, however O.K., they are to think that the segment is truly still one-time anti- day warrior.
Eight road soldier the warrior accompany others to sign to segment truly and respectfully rise respect, one of the troops of anti- day main force, at north China this anti- day that takes but is getting more well-known troops.
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